Well... today should have been my first day back at the studio after having a mini vacation last week. My client sent me a text message last night at 7:30pm to confirm her appointment was today at 11am, and then decided to sleep through her alarm and miss her appointment. Awesome. So no tattoo photos today because there was no tattooing today....
Instead here's the first 1/2 of photos from our mini vacation. Teagan's brother was getting married so we made the trip out to Vancouver and decided to take a few extra day to drive home via Penticton.
Teagan flew out early to visit and decorate cupcakes for the wedding. I drove down by myself a few days later.
I used to drive to Vancouver all the time, but as fast as possible, and in the middle of the night to avoid traffic. Now when I do the drive, I take my time, and travel during daylight hours as much as possible. Sure it adds a few hours to the trip, but what an amazing drive.

Steve, I took this photo for you-

Teagan getting ready for her brother's wedding...

...setting up her cupcake tree...

...and blowing bubbles in the wind.

Teagan and Josh

After the wedding we headed to the Beatty compound (Kathy's parent's acreage) for dinner and many, many plastic red glasses full of Grandville Island Lager from the keg. I don't have many photos because it was starting to get dark and only had an iPhone for a camera. I was also fairly intoxicated by this point....
There was a HUGE cooler full of fresh oysters, fresh from Cortes Island.

They started by being cooked over and open fire, and then all of a sudden it quickly became quite the event to just slam them back raw. I've never seen anything quite like it. Teagan and Josh were herding people to the table as if they were lining up shots at a bar- "Who's going to do one?" "You in or what?" "Let's do this" etc.

Brother and sister, slamming oysters

As you can probably see, I really do enjoy the randomness of the Toy Camera app for iPhone.
Sunday morning we packed up and headed out to Penticton for the day to relax and replenish our wine supply.... Pics of that tomorrow...