Josh was an amazing kid, and the perfect client. He was always extremely happy, positive and great person to have around the studio. He was always so excited for each of his appointments, showed up 30mins early, never took a break, and took amazing care of his healing tattoos. Every time I tattooed him, there was never a second thought in my mind that the colour would be unbelievably vibrant when he came back for his next session.
He absolutely loved tattoos and had so many ideas for future projects. Unfortunately, I never did get pictures of his healed work because it seemed to be a given that I'd see him within a few weeks to work on something new. It's an extremely strange feeling to lose a client in this way. I'll definitely miss seeing him around the studio and talking about our passion for the snow covered mountains.
His Mom, Dad, and sister all decided to get tattoos for Josh and I was extremely grateful to be able to work with them. I tattooed his Dad and sister Tuesday, but unfortunately worked so hard that day that the tattoos were extremely fresh and had way too much flash burn in the photos to post.
I tattooed his Mom today and did this rose with angel wings on her leg. None of them had been tattooed before and all sat start to finish with no breaks or complaints.

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